Monthly Archive: April | 2016
Archive view; now showing all posts in the month of April 2016.
Comet Cache v160417 was released on April 17th, 2016. This is a maintenance release that fixes an issue with the previous release (v160416). When Feed Caching was enabled, a fatal error was produced when Comet Cache tried to automatically clear the cache (such as after editing a Post). This release resolves that issue. Bug Fix: Fixed a "PHP Fatal error: Undefined class constant 'CACHE_PATH_NO_SCHEME'" introduced by the previous release (v160416). This issue only affected sites where Feed Cach...
Comet Cache v160416 was released on April 16th, 2016. This release includes 5 enhancements, 5 bug fixes, improved compatibility with WP-CLI, the Query Monitor plugin, and old AC Plugins, and a change to the hook where Comet Cache loads itself. The minimum required WordPress version has also been bumped to WP 4.2. This release resolves an issue that many Comet Cache Pro users were experiencing where the Pro Plugin Updater would report "Unknown error. Please wait 15 minutes and try again." The ...
This Comet Cache release candidate includes 5 enhancements, 4 bug fixes, 1 change to hooks/filters, improved compatibility with WP-CLI, the Query Monitor plugin, and improved backwards compatibility with old AC Plugins, and a change to the minimum required WordPress version. You can download and try out this release using the link below. Please report bugs and feedback on GitHub. Comet Cache Lite v160412-RC Comet Cache Pro v160412-RC (you must be logged into your account at to ...