Monthly Archive: February | 2016
Archive view; now showing all posts in the month of February 2016.
Comet Cache v160227 was released on February 27th, 2016. This release includes 4 bug fixes, 2 enhancements, and new compatibility for Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP). Note: ZenCache is now Comet Cache. As a reminder for those ZenCache users who may have missed the prior announcement, we recently renamed ZenCache to Comet Cache. If you haven't already read the announcement, click here to learn more. Bug Fix: Fixed a ZenCache Backwards Compatibility bug that was preventing calls to $GLOBALS['zen...
We are very excited to announce Comet Cache, an advanced caching plugin inspired by simplicity. Comet Cache is the successor to ZenCache (and Quick Cache before that), a very popular WordPress caching plugin that has been downloaded over 1 million times and has won acclaim for its speed, simplicity, and ease of configuration. We're changing our name (yes, again) from ZenCache, not because we want to but because Zendesk, Inc. is claiming rights to the word 'zen'. We're being forced to stop usi...