This ZenCache release candidate includes 4 enhancements, 6 bug fixes, and one change to the minimum required PHP version. You can download and try out this release using the links below. Please report bugs and feedback on GitHub.

ZenCache LITE

ZenCache LITE beta testers: Download ZenCache LITE v150403 Release Candidate

ZenCache Pro

ZenCache Pro beta testers: Download ZenCache Pro v150403 Release Candidate (you must be logged into your account at to access this download)

Installation Instructions

  1. Deactivate and Delete any existing ZenCache plugin via Dashboard -> Plugins
  2. Download the release candidate using one of the links above
  3. Install the release candidate you downloaded by going to Dashboard -> Plugins -> Add New -> Upload and selecting the downloaded zip file
  4. Activate ZenCache

Changelog for ZenCache v150403 (Release Candidate)

  • Enhancement (includes improved CloudFlare support): Improvements to IP address detection, including added support for CloudFlare IP forwarding, multiple IPs in a single header, and the ability to customize the lookup order and/or add/remove sources that are searched when looking for the current IP address. It's also possible to revert to the old IP address detection behavior (see How do I customize remote IP detection?). Props @jaswsinc. Issue #449
  • Enhancement (Pro): Files being served by the HTML Compressor were being sent without a Vary: Accept-Encoding header, which caused some page speed testing services to give a lower rating to sites using ZenCache. ZenCache now ensures this header is sent via an .htaccess file inside the HTML Compressor cache directory (requires Apache 2.1+). Props @jaswsinc. Issue #436.
  • Enhancement (Pro): Static CDN Filters now also filter any static resources inside Text Widgets, so that those resources can be cached by your CDN. Props @jaswsinc. Issue #430
  • Enhancement (Pro): Static CDN Filters now apply to minified and compressed CSS/JS files generated by the HTML Compressor; these files will now be cached by your CDN. Props @jaswsinc. Issue #429
  • Bug Fix: Fixed a bug related to the Quick Cache migration that resulted in caching being disabled despite ZenCache being enabled. Uninstalling Quick Cache was removing define('WP_CACHE', TRUE); from the wp-config.php file. ZenCache now makes sure that caching remains enabled after uninstalling Quick Cache during the ZenCache migration process. Issue #450.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed a minor UI issue where the ZenCache Dashboard icon would occasionally flash to a black color when refreshing the Dashboard. Props @jaswsinc. Issue #453.
  • Bug Fix: When ZenCache was running on an installation of PHP with open_basedir restrictions applied, calls to is_dir() were triggering a PHP Warning while looking for a writable temporary directory. This bug has been fixed. Issue #456.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed a bug where changing the permalink for a published post would result in the cache file for the old permalink being left behind and as a result both the old and the new permalink would be accessible, instead of WordPress redirecting the old permalink to the new one. This has been fixed and ZenCache now properly clears the old cache file when changing the permalink on a published post. Issue #359.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed a bug where transitioning a Published post back to Pending or Draft would not automatically clear the cache file. This resulted in the post remaining accessible on the frontend despite being set as Pending or Draft. ZenCache now properly clears the cache file automatically when transitioning from Published to Pending or Draft, which prevents access to the post as expected. Issue #441.
  • Bug Fix (Pro): Some users reported seeing Warning: trim() expects parameter 1 to be string. This was produced by a low-impact bug that has been fixed in this release. Issue #455.
  • Minimum Required PHP Version Bumped to PHP v5.3.2+: The minimum PHP version required for ZenCache has been bumped up to PHP v5.3.2+ (from PHP v5.3+). The ZenCache cache locking mechanism, specifically the use of flock(), requires behavior introduced in PHP v5.3.2. Issue #444.

Please note that when this version leaves beta and an official release is made, the WordPress Plugin Updater will automatically detect the new version on and ask you to upgrade (applies to ZenCache LITE). If you're using ZenCache Pro, please configure the Pro Plugin Updater (Dashboard -> ZenCache -> Plugin Updater) so that you are notified when there is a new official release.

Please report bugs and feedback on GitHub.