This Comet Cache release candidate includes 3 enhancements and 3 bug fixes. Most notable in this release is a fix for a fatal error that occurred in the Pro version related to the Cache Statistics feature. You can download and try out this release using the link below. Please report bugs and feedback on GitHub.

Comet Cache Pro testers: Don't forget that you can automatically receive Release Candidates by telling the Comet Cache Plugin Updater to check for Release Candidates in Comet Cache → Plugin Updater → Beta Testers.


Lite: Comet Cache Lite v160514-RC

Pro: Comet Cache Pro v160514-RC (you must be logged into your account at to access this download)

Installation Instructions

  1. Deactivate and Delete any existing Comet Cache plugin via Dashboard → Plugins
  2. Download the release candidate using the link above
  3. Install the release candidate you downloaded by going to Dashboard → Plugins → Add New → Upload and selecting the downloaded zip file
  4. Activate Comet Cache

Changelog for Comet Cache v160514-RC (Release Candidate)

  • Bug Fix: Fixed a bug that, in some scenarios, resulted in "PHP Fatal error: Undefined class constant 'CACHE_PATH_NO_PATH_INDEX'". This also affected the Cache Statistics feature, resulting in a blank panel when hovering over the Cache Stats button in the menu bar. See Issue #752.
  • Bug Fix: When the PHP OPCache extension is active, the OPCache is now cleared when a WordPress plugin is upgraded, activated, or deactivated. This works around an issue that could produce a fatal error when the PHP OPCache contains cached PHP code that conflicts with new PHP code introduced by an update. See Issue #740.
  • Bug Fix (Pro): The WordPress Admin Toolbar was not being automatically disabled when Logged-In User Caching was enabled, which was preventing Logged-In User caching from working as expected on the front-end of the site due to the presence of Nonce values in the page source (Nonce values are generally NOT cache-compatible; see this article for details.) Props @renzms. See Issue #690.
  • Enhancement (Pro): It's now possible to enable the WordPress Admin Toolbar when Logged-In User Caching is enabled with a new option in Comet Cache → Plugin Options → Logged-In Users → Enable the Admin Toolbar for Logged-In Users & Comment Authors? Props @renzms. See Issue #690.
  • Enhancement: The the option to automatically clear the cache for Custom Term Archive Views (see Comet Cache → Plugin Options → Automatic Cache Clearing → Auto-Clear "Custom Term Archives" Too?) is now enabled by default. This feature was previously disabled by default, which lead to confusion about why those cache files were not being cleared automatically when a Custom Post Type with a Custom Term Archive View was being used. Props @renzms. See Issue #693.
  • Enhancement (Pro): A new filter allows overriding the default behavior to clear the user cache upon login and logout when caching for Logged-In Users is enabled. See this article for details. Props @KTS915. See Issue #756.

Please note that when this version leaves beta and an official release is made, the WordPress Plugin Updater will automatically detect the new version on and ask you to upgrade (applies to Comet Cache Lite). If you're using Comet Cache Pro, please configure the Pro Plugin Updater (Dashboard → Comet Cache → Plugin Updater) so that you are notified when there is a new official release.

Please report bugs and feedback on GitHub.