Yearly Archive: 2017
Archive view; now showing all posts in the year of 2017.
This Comet Cache release candidate includes 2 bug fixes, 2 compatibility improvements, and 1 enhancement, and 1 new feature. You can download and try out this release using the links below. Please report bugs and feedback on GitHub. Comet Cache Pro testers: Don't forget that you can automatically receive Release Candidates by telling the Comet Cache Plugin Updater to check for Release Candidates in Comet Cache → Plugin Options → Update Credentials → Beta Program. Lite: Comet Cache Lite ...
Comet Cache v170220 was released on February 20th, 2017. This release includes 6 bug fixes, 2 enhancements, and 2 new features, including the ability to configure Comet Cache to automatically clear the cache for date-based archive views and a new Comet Cache Pro Apache Optimizations feature that gives you the option to enforce an exact hostname for all requests. The release adds the ability for Comet Cache to automatically clear the cache files for any date-based archive views that may be aff...
This Comet Cache release candidate includes 6 bug fixes, 2 new features, and 2 enhancements. You can download and try out this release using the links below. Please report bugs and feedback on GitHub. Comet Cache Pro testers: Don't forget that you can automatically receive Release Candidates by telling the Comet Cache Plugin Updater to check for Release Candidates in Comet Cache → Plugin Options → Update Credentials → Beta Program. Lite: Comet Cache Lite v170201-RC Pro: Comet Cache Pro ...